Chickadees somehow always seem cheerful. They are delightful visitors to backyard feeders. Black-capped Chickadees can be very tame and take seed from your hand if you stand still. Mountain Chickadees are found in the mixed forests, and Chestnut-backed Chickadees prefer the wetter conifer forests at higher elevations. Canada Jays and Steller's Jays are here year round and often seen in the colder months. (Move mouse over images above and below to enlarge &/or see captions).
Frequently flocking with chickadees are the nuthatches, of which we have three kinds here, see photos above. Brown Creepers glean insects from bark by moving upwards on a tree's trunk. Dark-eyed Juncos breed at higher elevations but in fall and winter descend to the valley floor to find food. They feed on the ground and often visit backyard feeders too. Large flocks of Bohemian Waxwings also arrive to spend the late fall and winter here.